Below you will find the videos and notes from our complete Medicare class! This video series is taken from our live group presentation and is meant to give you a full understanding of what you need to know about Medicare health insurance. 

All we ask in return for providing this free quality content is that you would use us as your insurance agent to sign up for Medicare. There is no cost to work with us and we provide personalized service to help you navigate this complex aspect of retirement. Give us a call or send us a message to schedule an appointment!

As you can see, you have a multitude of choices to make in this confusing world of Medicare Insurance.

Contact us for a personalized consultation at no-cost, and let us help you evaluate your needs and recommend an appropriate insurance plan for you!

We're sure that you'll see the value of having your own personal agent!

FREE DOWNLOAD- Medicare Class Notes

Medicare 101 Seminar Notes.pdf